Connect Via Social Media
Here are our official Harlan Hawk Band social media links that you will want to follow. These platforms will mostly carry the same info, so subscribe to whichever one you mostly use!
Parents - this one is for you! Click the image above to connect to our private Facebook page.
Click the Twitter image to join our Twitter feed - quick updates will go here as well as Remind!
Follow us on Instagram to see not only updates, but also pictures of our kids in action!
We have wonderful people who collaborate to put together incredible videos of our kids and community throughout the school year. Visit our Harlan Hawk Band YouTube Channel and check it out!
More ways to Communicate
Click the Calendar Image to take you directly to our online Google Calendar. You can also get our band google calendar incorporated into your own personal calendar as well! Use these respective links to add the calendar to your own device:
Have questions about the band program? We have a wonderful Band Booster Board who is ready and willing to answer any questions you might have! Please visit their web page on the website to communicate with them directly - click the link below!
Do you have photos of our Harlan Band kids? Send them in to [email protected]. Click the "Mail App" image to contribute your pictures to be displayed on instagram, website, other social media, AND perhaps selected to be in the Harlan Hawk Year Book at the end of the year!